Gold Coast Pest Control
Gold Coast Cleaning
gold coast pest control, pest control gold coast and Brisbane
Executive Carpet Cleaning and Pest Controls team of qualified & licensed technicians are experienced in all types of general pest control services. We offer a comprehensive range of gold coast pest control treatments, including our most popular the general pest treatment (cockroaches, internal ants, spiders and silverfish), end of lease treatments for rental properties, specialised pest treatments for specific insect problems, and rodent control. Whether you are a residential or commercial customer, we will tailor our pest control services to meet your needs.
Can I be home whilst the treatment is being completed?
For most of our gold coast pest control treatments – yes you can be home. Our technicians will advise you of any specific safety requirements when on site. It is advisable however that adults, children and pets keep clear during the treatment and when we are using sprays. It is recommended the area remain clear until it is dry. As our products have little or no odour, once we've finished you probably won't know we have been at all! Our friendly staff will advise you of any requirements at time of booking.
Will I see cockroaches, spiders or ants after the treatment?
It's possible that you will. These pests may wander in from outside. However, chances are that they will have crossed treated areas to get into your home and will die shortly after that. It's important not to call our Office straight away if you still detect pests as it could take up to a few weeks for the treatment to take full effect. Our Technicians will discuss this with you when on site.
I'm having my carpet cleaned-do I have pest treatment before or after?
It's best to do the pest treatment after carpets have been cleaned or vacuumed.
All our Pest Control Technicians are fully licenced and trained professionals.
If the pests return then so do we!